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Build Experience Levels by Hunting on Tatooine.


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A good way to raise experience and make a little money is to send your character(s) Wraid hunting on Tatooine.


Once you've cleared the main desert area in front of Anchorhead of Sand Warriors and other opponents, you can go back any time and hunt wraid. A pack of four of the beasts reappears somewhere on the map each time you enter the area.


Each wraid you kill gains you 350 xp.


Therefore for each pack hunted down you get a tasty 1400 xp - a good way to level-up more quickly.


You can hunt the wraid with two party-members - or , for a bit more of a challenge, send your main character in alone.


Lone Hunting


The wraid are dangerous, if all four attack you at once, a lone character is probably doomed. It can also get too expensive in medipacks. So you need to stalk the pack, and break them up.


To do this, circle behind the column, and when you get the "target acquired" message, use a force power attack on the nearest beast.


If you do this right, the wraid will take damage and come after you (sometimes two will follow). Run away from the pack, leading your prey away, pausing to weaken the pursuing wraid with more force attacks. When it is weakened, turn and finish it off with your lightsabre.


You can then locate the rest of the pack and repeat the process.


Hunting is also useful for trying out your attacks and force powers in a relatively secure environment. The money you get for the trophies is only moderate but useful.

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