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holocrons holocrons crapocons


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let me get this? i get 5 holocrons, master thoes 5 professions. and unlock the force slot, to become a jedi..............Wow , impressive.. SO any damn clownshoe, can get em... To be honest. thats pretty pethedic...Im sick and tired of hearing all about the holocrons..and the whole jedi thing, .... Sony... well done,, A game is created about star wars.. a epic story that we all grew up watching.. Now we can dwell in the SWG universe!.. Its funny thoe.. I didnt see Luke, or Yoda , find a holocron...and become a master Dancer,, dont get me wrong that would be hillarious to see yoda getin crazy at the AH Cantina...Anyhoo my point is, some stupid holocrons and couple professions. shouldnt even unlock the FS...But i guess u gotta start somewhere.. Thoe a jedi is much more than acouple professions, I personaly think to become a jedi, u gotta BE a jedi,, IE, Act like one,,Be honorable,,Be polite,, Roleplay,,BE wise, and have a decent name, NOT like MyassSmells,, or MadLewtts.. or even the Great Arnold DaGoverner, Thats the best one ive seen.. I swear. if i see any of thoes clowns become a jedi,, i will ,, well do nothing because its just a game.. but dammit.. WAKE UP DEVS ! . Oh and since im complaining.. I see alot of Master Heavy Swordsman Carrying a big hammer.. Hmm funny how thats the best two hander right now for them.. I coulda sworn there title is MHS, not Master Railroad builder ! Swordsman , thats right, so why not give them a decent SWORD , u jawa loving , worrts ! I dont see any Gunslingers Carrying Toasters ! but i guess thats the next big patch !! my Uber Kryat dragon Toaster ! that shoots burnt Toast ! look out Vader !!! ,, Bah , nufff Siad !!!



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Yeah on Chimeara only 2 things annoying me


1. the people with Stupid names.


2. The yanks that have come over and power train'd just to become Ub3r on a new Server.... Which kinda ****ed me off as theres allready Master wep/smiths/archs etc... [sorry guyz but it just dont seem like a new starting server when you have Master wep smiths in 1 week :\] You have 20 servers! we have 2 stay on your own :p


see alot of Master Heavy Swordsman Carrying a big hammer.. Hmm funny how thats the best two hander right now for them.. I coulda sworn there title is MHS, not Master Railroad builder ! Swordsman , thats right, so why not give them a decent SWORD , u jawa loving , worrts ! I dont see any Gunslingers Carrying Toasters ! but i guess thats the next big path !! my Uber Kryat dragon Toaster ! that shoots burnt Toast ! look out Vader !!! ,, Bah , nufff Siad !!!



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Actually the holocrons only give u hints. They are only a small part of helping you. Their not needed, but can be used. And it isn't exactly 5, could be less. For some it was 3, others 4, but it has never been over 5. There are still other things u have to do, and we don't know what they are.

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master a few elite professions....well not really a creative solution but okay...


here I am, a smuggler well known in the galaxy, associate to Jabba, feared for my quick hand with the laser pistol....for my Teras Kasi skills in tavern brawls....and now, on the height of my career, I decide I want to become a Jedi Pimp hence go search a good surgeon for a lobotomy to make me forget half my skills and abilities only to make room to learn some silly profession the force asks me to master?

Yeah right. Certainly.

A creative solution would be, that I have to find the right chick (lets say a Master Heavy Swordsman Zabrak girl) and we marry and get kids together, with those kids (twins ideally) represent both our open FS slots ;) Especially regarding the storyline of the movies, telling us the Aenekin was already too old for training when they found his force sensitivity.





P.S.: Forget it Vanguard, ima not gonna marry you!!!! ;)

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I don't think anyone said it was easy. It's not. Not only do you need all those holos, you also need to master several professions. That is quite a challenge. But it seems rather lame to me that everyone knows the path and it is basically the same for everyone. It shouldn't be so obvious. There shouldn't be so many new Jedi at once.


But also I'd like to point out that the whole argument that there should be no Jedi at all is kinda stupid. This is an RPG. We are directing the future of each galaxy. So whatever happens happens. In my random dreamings it would be ideal if different galaxies went in completely different directions as far as the civil war and other similar things. Possibly having massive events affecting each galaxy differently because of the players on that galaxy rather than some timeline we are following. We should be making the timeline, not following it. And that applies to the existance of Jedi.

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I think as long as Jedi are actively hunted down and murdered it's a good thing to have a few of them around. Having a stupid name is also a good thing, it makes more people hate them, if they come into town bragging about being a jedi, whip out the old sabre, they'll just get murdered, perma death will set in and they'll be so p'd off that they'll go back to being an average joe. Or even a very powerful joe, that not everyone hates and wants to hunt down.

It will make being a jedi a very lonely thing, when a game is about interacting with others and having fun the amount of people wanting to hide in the widerness, trying desperately to train with their new sabre without being seen by a bunch of people that can, if i'm right in thinking, just attck them without provocation will be quite small. Think of the kudos, "Yeah, we were out in a big hunting party, came across this guy with a light sabre- we bagged us a jedi, pitty you can't train them"

I think also isn't it the case that you have to start a new char to be the jedi? So once you've learned how to build droids, whilst hunting rancors and making stews, you have to abandon your strong character to become a weak jedi padawan.

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