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european community


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hi all,




basically i bought galaxies on release date of 7th November in the UK, and ive only been playing about 4 hours in all, but i can honestly say i love it, (despite it slowing down every now and then)..


anyway, ive been on a lot of swg websites, forums etc etc, and it seems the european version has been a bit overlooked (obviously because its only been out about 5 days!!)


so id like to rally together if possible, all european players that play on the farstar server, just so the few of us on the server can help each other out, establish a bit of a legacy...so that when the space expansion comes out, or for whenever newbies start in the future, there is an established world bustling with trade, items, masters, etc etc..


sorry, this is just a dream of mine, because when i logged on for the first time, the first thing i noticed was the amazingly large, EMPTY streets, bar a few npcs, and a few helpful people.


just my views....



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I'm with you there gbfreak.

I also just started on Farstar and would like to get a community going. I'm in the office during work hours, so can't play. My only link to sanity at this time is the message boards, but with no euro community at the moment, I'm stuck =(


Let's get a euro community going, in particular Farstar. *cheer*


Who is your char on farstar? I'm Sign Gallow.

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You should all try connecting to one of the US servers, theres very little lag, and there are some very well developed communities that already exist.

Come take a look at our PA based on Naritus.


We have a few UK based players (Me being one of them), and are always looking for new members, especially newbies who we can help climb through their chosen skill tree.

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nice one then guys


ive met quite a few brits online, which is encouraging.


for all who want to meet up in game sometime,




Sori Marousus

normally on theed (my home planet of Naboo!!)

also on farstar :D


havent met any americans online in the european servers, quite a few germans though.


i also thoroughly advise you to check out your local cantina, you meet all kinds there..

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Hey guys i'm definitely with you......


I hang around Mos eisley quite a bit and can often be seen trekkin' across Tatooine on my many explorer missions.....


If any of you guys want to group with a medium skilled (human) Scout i'm free most of the time.....Don't be shy :)


I am also learning marksmanship and medic skills so am quite a well rounded group member


Give me a shout if you see me........i'll buy you a drink in the cantina ;)


Also my friend "Vai'lence" is a Brit on the Far-star server (he's a Zabrak that runs around Tatooine with no top on!!!!) If you tell him you know Spoff Darko he'll be more than happy to help you / join your group etc.


P.S. shout out to Sign Gallow......haven't I seen you on Tatooine? i'm sure I have.....will say hi next time bro' :-)

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Hi GB Freak ( and company )


I`m such a new newbie, that I`m haven`t even installed the game yet. I`m stumbling around the forums like a lost little girl until the postman brings me my game ...I`m so glad to have found some people from mainland UK.


Can I canvass you for some advice. I was thinking of aiming to be a Human Doctor ( eventually ) on Naboo, as a casual gamer on a European server. Maybe set up a hospital in one of these player city things ( again, eventually ).


Any snippets of advice for the ABSOLUTE beginner ?


Kind Regards




Oooooh... yes, before I forget. How do you get those little pictures on the left hand side of your posts ( in the margin ) ?

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well the little picture is called an Avatar en you can find it in the options screen under the User CP button at the top of this screen.


Search for the option change avatar and have a feast in looking up a suitable one ;)


As for a starters take some of everything u like and narrow it down in the days to come.


Ask fellow doctors arround there are many peeps who are willing to help you.

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Hi, I am from the UK but I have been playing on the Bria server. The main problem with Euro servers is that so many people on it speak a foreign language i.e German.


That's why I always tend to go to a USA server, where they speak my language. No offense Germans, it just helps if I can understand what the hell people are saying.


I don't get much slowdown at all on Bria, I usually get between 22 and 30fps in main cities, although I have just spent ****loads of money on a new good PC, so that probably helps.


Anyway, my name in game is Dyllon Swift if you happen to be on Bria and wanna team up. I spend alot of time in Anchorhead.

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Yeah well that depends on wich US server u redide i guess.


I played a long time on Kauri of wich i found out it was the Unofficial French server and indeed. French...


I love those people but i cant understand a word they say.


So now on FarStar it feels a bit more like home with just more then one language beeing spoken. And if they dont asking is usealy more then enough to get em to talk english. ;)

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Yeah well that depends on wich US server u redide i guess.


I played a long time on Kauri of wich i found out it was the Unofficial French server and indeed. French...


I love those people but i cant understand a word they say.


So now on FarStar it feels a bit more like home with just more then one language beeing spoken. And if they dont asking is usealy more then enough to get em to talk english. ;)

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