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Galaxies doesn't hit the spot in the UK

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

First week sales of SWG placed it at number 6 in the official UK Top 20 chart with Call Of Duty and FIFA 2004 outselling it for the first week.


The Sims Makin Magic - the one millionth add on (yawn) and Max payne keep it at bay from hitting the Top 5.


It faired even worse in the Top 40 all formats chart, not even making it in. Rebel Strike went in at number 14, and to give you some idea of the sales gap, Call Of duty went in at number 9 all formats...just on the PC!


I won't know official total sales until the end of November (I can find this out as I work in the games industry) but it doesn't look too good for SWG.


But with Activisions traditional lack of promoting the title, why am i not surprised? Or was it a case of bad press for the game? Once the magazines review the game, we might see an increase/decline.



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Doesn't help when places like my local GAME shop didn't even have it on the shelves. I had to ask for it and after having one of the assistants try to sell me Rogue Leader for the Gamecube, another assistant pointed out I meant the game they had just sitting in the stock room.


Still I think number 6 in the charts is a fairly respectable for an online only, subscription based game.

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Yep I agree. I went into my local GAME and couldnt find it!! I could only find it in 2 shops in my town and that was Virgin and MVC. It hasnt been to popular, im glad i imported it coz its £40!! i paid £40 for my copy!!


I guess that the marketing and advertising wasnt done over in Europe well, i havent seen it advertised once!!!


SOE need to sort it out!!

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There was absolutely NO marketing in Florida for this game. I happened upon it in the Circuit City store as I was buying a new computer, didnt even know it was an MMPOG till I got home...I just bought it cause I love STARWARS and the games associated. That is the problem, I saw NOTHING about this game, and still havent in newspapers, on TV or Radio. I dont read gaming mags, but neither do a lot of casual players.:fett:

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I think that there is not enough marketing going on about it, i.e i have seen no adverts or anything like that, also, i have asked loads of my friends wether they have heard of the game and they say no? I havent found any kind of adverts for the sites etc

The only way i found out about the game was by looking in the 'affliates' page of the jediknightii.com i think it was, or another jedi knight site, although this is a completely brilliant game and i cannot wait for my version to come! :D

So i think its Sonys fault what it gets to, it needs more publicity!


ps. what does SOE mean...? :confused::o

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Yeah i think its coz all us UK folk are tight gits and dont want to pay per month :p


same with my GAME they STILL dont have it out yet.. say they're not allowed to sell it yet.. Lol.. well the shop always sucked.. took them 4months to get PlanetSide in, they have EvE as a new release too lol... pityful

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I've seen no advertising in the UK, I thought it would at least merit a couple of magazine covers, yes- it's an online, pay to play RPG, but it's a starwars one! Star wars games are usually massive launches. I've got a lot of the posters and game stands from the releases of Tie Fighter and Dark Forces- they were hugely publicised. The BBC had an article of when the US game went on line, but the big bang for release in the UK was more of a wimper.

As for where to buy your copy, I'd go for amazon- £24.99, spend an extra penny on something and get free delivery too. That's almost 2 month's gaming with the cash you'd save.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think the release date has caught many out. Combine that with the credit card factor won't help. I think the next couple of issues, there will be reviews of Galaxies in the UK press.


Let's see how this goes and fingers crossed for the future!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is this so important for u whether or not it hits a certain chart or not?.


I havent even seen it on any chart here in the Netherlands let alone see it in a shop.


I for one, am glad i bought the import version a few months back.


So it doesnt sell well here in europe. I think that this has a lot to do with the time difference between US and EU release.


Many of us, like many of the players, come from the EU and therefor have bought their copy as an import.


If most of us hadnt do that the sales here in the EU would at least be a bit bigger.


I just hope that they wont bring the EU servers down because of this. (Dont think so cause last time i checked the poulation it was allready past medium... :D )

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