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General Questions Regarding Skills


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I have not yet played the game (still waiting for some of my components so I can build a machine..) Anyway, I have been doing some research into the various paths in the mean time and have a couple of questions regarding skills.


1) If I get the same skill from different professions, I.E. dodge from pistoleer and fencer, do they stack, or are they only used when I use a weapon of that type.


2) I know this is a catch all, but what do these numbers mean, are they percentages (in my previous example 50% to dodge), or are they opposed values (50 to dodge vs a targets chance to hit?)

I'm sure that some skills are percentage based (maybe even ranged and melee defense fall into this category), and others are not, like speed and to hit, I'm not sure.


I would appreciate an information on these topics.

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