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Contemplating buying SWG! any help?


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Hey guys. I have never played a MMOG before. I have seen my friends play Eve Online and it looked a little too boring for me. I was reading a whole bunch of stuff about SWG and it looks really cool. A few guys in my class have it so I was thinkin about goin over to their house to check it out before making a decision to buy it.


What I'm basically asking is this, Is this a good game to buy for a first MMOG experience? Is there any reason why I should NOT buy this game? It's $60 (canadian) from EB games and I'm not sure how much the game cards are...I think $20 a month. I'm not sure if im willing to pay it but it seems like a really cool game....I just sold a few things so i got some money from that and figured I would put it towards a new game or something. I'm also attending college which may cut into my gaming time hahaha.


I was reading through the professions and I was particularly interested in scout and artisan. Being able to tame animals seems very cool, and making/modifying weapons/drones also seems pretty cool as well....one question, is there space travel and stuff? like X-Wings and all that cool fighter stuff? (I don't know a WHOLE lot about star wars but I like it)


by the way this is my first post on the forum, yay!




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SWG was my first MMORPG as well (PSO doesnt count). It was pretty good for the first few months, but it gets really old after you use up all your skill points (about 2-3 months). Jedi should last you a few months longer (I quit before the first Jedi showed up). Go with it for the first free month, if you dont like it, then quit. I've moved onto FFXI (great game, BTW).

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I'm also considering buying SWG, I played Soma online for a good while, but I just couldn't put in the hours to go anywhere. I found that unless you had 6 hours a day to put in it just wasn't worth playing in the end.

I've heard that SWG is a little lighter on the work load and you don't have to be an "Ubergamer" to enjoy it. Is this true?


I thought this was pretty much on your thread, so I thought I'd ask with you rather that clutter up the forum with another noob- infact pre-noob question.


On topic:- Space travel is supposed to be a big bad add on that's coming next year. They've just added creature mounts (so you can ride around on dewbacks and stuff), player cities (where you can build your own house and spruce it up) and they're planning on vehicles in the next month or so.

In other online games you spend a hell of a lot of time running from place to place. Kept you fit though.

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I've heard that from a few people that it got kind of old. But Wont it take quite a while to master THREE professions? i mean there's tonnes of them! Even if you master 3 and you want to do something else you can throw one away and work towards a different one! I like how there is somewhat of a player driven economy...the artisans making things and selling them and such.

Like I said I'm gunna go to my buddy's house and check it out to see what its like before i make a decision. Thanks for the replies.

oh and Feyd-Rautha if I buy the game u buy it too and we can be n00bs together! haha

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