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Does the Jedis know what RP means?

Devil Doll

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Think of your blood presure when reading this, think happy thoughs and breath slowly.


I never felt that anyone on this post was particularly mad about the jedi, just a bit "miffed". We're all into this game for the same reason, we love star wars.. if you don't then why in hell you're wasting time and money (by which I mean the cash you pay to be online) reading this forum is beyond me.

The point I believe we/I am trying to make is that, in the films we have seen and loved so much, in the time when this game is set, there are 3 Jedi. (Well 2 jedi, 1 sith lord if you want to be picky). The rest have been hunted out of existence.

Yes, force sensitive people will still have been out there and the extended universe tells us of other Jedi, like poor old Vilma de Boda. But these other jedi are in hiding, trying not to get killed.

We all remember how jaws dropped and hushed whispers flew around the cantina when old ben flopped out the glowing, hissing sabre in new hope. No body said "Huh! another Jedi showing off eh? What are they like?" they were shocked and surprised to see a jedi, in public. This is the universe we are to be taking part in, the game is a giant stage in which we are merely players.

These guys and galls have worked hard to be a Jedi but still many are complaining that after 3 months of Ubergaming they have nothing left to do, they've been there, done that and got the "I've killed a krate dragon" T-shirt. If the devs have left the game so empty that all there is to do when ascending to Jedi Hood is deciding on which starport to dual in, or if they should wear an all black "Luke in ROTJ" suit or a brown "dressing gown" affair.


If you look at an earlier post of mine in this thread I mention how cool it would be to be hunted and have to keep the sabre underwraps. It would make your jedi experience exciting, you'd have a strong char and it would be tested daily against the strongest players in the game, you'd have to keep tight in your group and keep a look out for trouble, trips into town would be a problem, (which is probably the reason Ben Kenobi lived on a backwater desert planet and Yoda, a pretty tough character as we saw in eps II, lives in a swamp "on his lonesome").

What I am saying, in essence is, there should be some drawbacks to being a jedi, otherwise after 6months everyone will be one. These drawbacks should be compensated with the most enthrawling and exciting gameplay available. Adventure at every turn! Running imperial blockades, fighting the good fight, evading BH's... see action packed, like the jedi we all wanted to be as kids. The jedi made the film and without light sabres it would have just been Frank Herbert's Dune- but that's a whole other thread! They should also make the game. Jedi should be special and rare.

I think I've said enough there.

End Note: I am not angry in any way, just enjoying this discussion and hopefully by leaving my thoughts and feedback, through this forum, I will be helping to shape this dynamic and growing game. Yes I know it's just a game. (geez!)

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If you purchased the game to really "roleplay" and live in the time frame of the movies, then no it is not just a game. It becomes a social and very interactive experience on a daily basis.


Not just a game you purchase, play, finish and shelf it.


This game can be ongoing for years and years, if you live the beautifully graphic game which is Star Wars. You must realize there are many persons in the game. I find those with other opinions treat other players as npc's, not real people behind a keyboard.


As far as Jedi, read my journal in swgalaxies.net. This is how I wish to perceive the Jedi.

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