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Intermediate Missions?


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Been playing SWG for a week now, and feel I'm progressing well.


I'm up to level 3 'pistol', 'riifles' & 'aimed and range', with level 1 'medic' skills and level 2 scout skills thrown in.


Here's the thing;


I'm struggling to make money 'cos the missions at the planets I've been on so far are either becoming a bit easy and don't pay enough (difficulty level 12 for 1k on Tatooine) or are far too hard for me at this stage (difficukty level 32 for 11k on Dantooine)


To save me time and credits scouring the galaxy, can anyone advise where I should go to make some half decent money (and xp) doing some medium difficulty missions?


I've bee advised to go to the likes of Dantooine and group up for the missions but I like the conveniance of going solo?



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Well, my advice to you would be to concentrate on the exploration 4 and hunting 4 columns in the scout tree and get some ch xp, just enough to get training and taming 1. Then find a nice level 25 or lower pet. Then you can solo all you want. I just recently got those skills and I have level 25 aged lantern bird with 8000 ham and I can solo most anything now. for the moment, if you don't have one, I would highly recommend the cowardly gurreck. You don't have to be ch to use it and it makes very good pet. Make sure to get some pet stims as it will take you forever to heal it with regular stims. always send pet first and let all aggros get on him before you fire. And if you want better paying missions go bh. As soon as I got novice bh my bh missions were 7000 credits but you can only take one and most of the time it is in different city but I still find myself able to make money fast. I only have 110,000 credits on me now but I have been buying things like crazy. I like to mix things up. Currently I am pistoleer, ranger, bh, ch and medic. I'm going to drop ranger, will hate to see those camps go, but keep some skills from all those other areas. There are some skills that you need to solo, camps being one and medic skills another. So us loners must dabble in many fields instead of focusing on one.

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Hold on there sparky... One question about the weapon equipment:


Is it still true that when i arm a, lets say, Rifles II weapon i will get better missions then when i select my standard CDEF rifle?.


Was'nt this method removed sometime ago cause it now just looks at your XP and/or your combat fatigue???


Let me know please...



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i'm pretty sure they recently changed it so your missions are based on your best weapon regardless of whether its equipped or not. so if you have a flamethrower but equip a cdef the difficulty is still based on your flamethrower. haven't really looked into this though so i'm not certain.


btw - those 11k missions are the intermediate mission, lol.


but like the other recommendation i'd get yourself a pet and group with it before taking a mission. a level 15 pet should jack up the difficulty can get you some better missions.

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