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The Pyramids are getting to me

Guest daanthing

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Guest daanthing

I'm a bit stuck here. I activated all the eyes in the pyramids and of three of them i could raise the Anubis-statues from the ground. The kid still won't let me in and i still can't get in the shed with the explosives. What am i to do? Any hints?

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Thwe fourth beam is supposed to be reflected in the water drain which you haven't filled with water yet. For this you need the bucket from inside the shed. Shoot the explosives through the shed's window and get everything from inside.


The bucket must be placed somewhere inside the first pyramid. This will help you raise the 4th statue.


But if the boy don't come out there are probably some hyenas left. Kill them all until you hear the Indy theme melody.


Furthermore, you need something from the digsite, too. Just come back here if you need more hints.

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Guest daanthing

Thanks. I'll try it. But i think i already kileld all the Hyenas. I can still hear them. But they won't show up anymore. And i did shoot quite a few of them. Or run them over in my jeep.

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Whenever you go to the cave where the boy is and the boy says "I won't come out as long as there are hyenas outside" there are still some of them left. Standing there, they should show up soon then, so jump back into the Jeep and be prepared.

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