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Stimpack Questions


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1/What is the difference between small stimpack a and small stimpack e?


2/Also, do the Constitution Stimpacks heal only constitution?


3/Does a regular stimpack heal everything?


4/Would a stimpack e heal more than stimpack a?


Ty in advance

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I was a Master Medic before I went to BH, so here are some answers. :)


1. Stimpak E's have a higher medicine skill to use and heal for a hell of alot more than Stimpak A's. Higher stims also tend to have more charges but that all depends on experimentation.


2. No such thing as a Constitution Stimpak, there are Constitution Woundpaks (which heal Constitution wounds) and the others used by doctors to enhance (buff) you Constitution.


3. No regular Stimpaks just heal Health and Action. CMs can now heal mind but I am not sure how they do that now. The only Stimpaks that can heal mind are for pets and they heal health, action and mind.


4. See response #1.

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I will just add to what Terrick wrote (I'm a master doctor):


1. Stim E's are only available to high-level doctors in terms of crafting. Stim A's can be crafted by Novice Medics. E's have a significantly higher heal rate and much more charges than A's. I'd say the average stim E (with good experimentation and using no advanced components) heals for 400-500 per charge and has around 40 charges (uses). By comparison, the average stim A heals for 70-100 with around 10 charges (I think...it's been a while for me).


2. Like Terrick said, Constitution woundpacks can only heal constitution wounds...no such thing as a Constitution stimpack.


3. Stims heal your health and action bars only...combat medics can now heal the mind bar, but not exactly sure how that works. You take damage (i.e. "white" damage) to your primary (Health, Action, Mind) bars...you take wounds (i.e. "black" damage) to all of your primary and secondary bars.


4. Yes, ALOT more, but again, Stim E's are very very advanced both in terms of crafting and using them.

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