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Where to buy a mount?


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My question is simple I guess. I just have missed the info or don't really know where to find an answer.


If I'm not a Creature handler. Can I buy a mount and use it? I guess so and hope so.


And if I wanna buy a mount to use it (I'm a smuggler soon) where in gods name to I buy a mount. Anyone know if it will be imp in the bazaars?

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Creatures or mounts do not in general will be available at the bazaar.


You just have to find populated places like startports or playercities and look for some CH's that are selling there creatures or mounts.


Most of the time you can buy a young (baby or lvl1) creature wich u have to let become old enough to train or let it be trained as a mount.


For example:


A baby Kaduu (The creature u see the most) cost me 10k. (normaly goes for about 15 to 20). (training costs about 3k or so ive heard).


A fully grown mountable kaduu will most likely go for about 50k as ive seen it.


So anyway u choose it: Find a CH or Bio Engineer to buy it off from.


Good luck...

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On starsider, you can usually find kaadus and sprats being sold outside of the coronet starport. Going rate, at least this week, seems to be around 10k for a baby or 25k-50k for a trained mount depending on the seller. The sprats are slightly faster at gallop and usually sell for a little more than kaadu's. Most of the time they're equally priced though because of the kaadu's greater popularity. Also watch out for scams. There was a guy there yesturday selling "normal" mounted kaadus for 25k, and "special" ones that can do backflips for 45-50k. The backflip is just one of their tricks (and it IS really cool, btw) and every kaadu or sprat can do it if trained. So basically, expect to pay between 25 and 50k and shop around before you buy.

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first don't buy one on the bazaar (a bio-engineered version) and expect to be able to mount if. if you don't have the ability to train a creatuer to transfer you won't be able to give it to anybody to mount. a few people have wasted cash doing this only to get aggravated when they had a full grown kaadu they could do nothing with.


pets you can rid without CH:



motley kaadu

carrion spat

prodding falumpaset

lesser plains bol

lesser dewback


if you don't have any CH you might consider snagging one of the lesser/prodding animals. they're level 10, and should the proposed level change take place (devs are thinking about lowering the call lvl for non-CH to 10 from 15) you won't be SOL.


best place to get on is probably the big three of capital cities: Coronet, Theed or Bestine.

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