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Transsmissons and plans?


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Im guessing your refering to the disks like: Rebel plans 3/4 etc. etc.


Most of these things are still rarely found, i found one 2 days ago, and quiete useless now except for the information stored in them. (If your into this that is...)


These disks where originaly from the Act I: The Cries Of Alderaan monthly story.


Some disks are pure game related and by decoding them u can get a waypoint to a base or treasure.


Speaking of wich. Does anyone know when Act III kicks in?

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They're not from Act I (those disks don't drop any more), they're a different kind of disk. The ones you get now don't require decoding.


Basically you need to get all four of the disks. After you have all four you can select one to read and there's an option to combine all four. after you do that bring it to your faction recruiter. I did so and got 1,400 credits (not a lot).

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