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SWG Freezing problem


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Two days ago I took a shuttle to BV and in the middle of loading it froze. I waited for it to give me an error or anything and eventually it just closed itself and kicked me to desktop. I started it back up, and after I pressed 'Play' but before the game loaded it gave me the "We have detected a client crash. If you havent recently done so, we reccomend that you click 'Full Scan' from the launch pad to check the integrity of the game's files." I click OK, and the game launches and loads perfectly fine. Next day I get on and it gives me the same client crash error, but starts up fine. I exited out and did a full scan and started it back up. Worked OK for a few hours then froze in the middle of a loading screen. Gave me the client crash error again, and I ran Full Scan again. Now, I can enter the game just fine, but after about 3 minutes SWG closes and kicks me to desktop and the process totally ends. This happens about 3 minutes after I get everything loaded, and what I'm doing at the time doesn't seem to make a difference. Once I start SWG up again and press 'Play' it gives me the client crash error, I can press OK and it will launch the game fine, but it will still freeze 3 minutes after the world loads.


AMD xp 1800+

GeForce4 Ti 4200, 128mb

512 MB RAM


Any ideas?


*Edit* Ohh, its getting tricky now. It just kicked me to desktop and closed right at the end of the initial world load.



/me cries

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This is not the first thread about this issue, if you read all the threads, there are some more about this problem I made one but just to ask if it was only the server I'm in.


The problem is not your computer, it's because the last patch, the most probably thing is that you are a dial up user, and after the mounts thing th cities became a bad thing, when you are near a popular city, the ping increases and the FPS decreases, and sometimes the game just kick you out the game andyou return to your desktop, you make the full scan just to make the game stop bothering you about that issue, the only thing you can do, try to not be in populated places and be patient, that's what i recommend and that's what I do.


since the player mounts, I'm spending all my time in a mansion near the emperor's retreat decorating it, and then when I get bored I run to make some missions, that place is not lagged and i don't have that problems, also i get a lot of FSP doing delivery missions or killing rebels from the mission terminals.

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Erm, are they going to fix this problem?...

Because you cant really play it and as your paying for it whats the point?

I know i sound like a newbie but i havent got the game yet but after reading some posts about problems after the mounts come in im not sure about it anymore, please, someone say im doing the right thing getting the game and SOE will release a patch to fix this problem...?

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I agree...I didn't have any trouble with the screen freezing up until the lastest patch had been installed. I run an AMD 1600 512MB GeForce FX 5600 w/ Cable internet...Game ran fine until last patch and has frozen up acouple of times now since...:(

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it's good that you saw the light on time










of course it's supposed that SOE will fix that problem, it's just that the patch didn't work as they thought, everyone is very excited with their mounts just cause they think they look cool.


I think mounts are just for those people who don't have exploration 4, that's the reason I let a guy from my guild use my mount while he gets exploration 4, i'm happy running, i just got my kaadu cause it was free and I had it before the patch.


I still reccomend, try to not be near populated cities, do the themeparks, the emperor's, luke's jabba's, there are some themeparks that are far away of the populated cities and that will help you a little, also you get a lot of junk that you can sell in good price, i sold all the guns i got at the emperor's retreat in 2 days, also the clothes.

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Cool, although i think i might be thinking of something else... You say, theme parks?


Anyway im glad to here there are plenty of things to do that was devestate your game, but i hope they will bring a patch to fix this, thanks for putting my mind at rest DD, and, sorry FFXI but im not that desperate.



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