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Win2000 Problem, year 2, after the patch


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I have a pretty fast computer (1500+)with 256Megs of RAM and Win2000 installed on it. I was able to play up until the second disk without the patch, but once i get to year 2, the game crashes. So far, i have Many on the top floor after the coat check girl has let Many know that there is and interesting girl there to see him. At this point the game crashes before i can get him into the office. If i am able to get him into the office the game cuts to the office sceane, but it seems that many is nowhere to be found. He just does not appear in the office. I have installed the patch, but this was after i saved the games. I have also tried playing the game on two diferent discs (one is a few years old, and one is just bought). Any suggestions for me???

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