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Tatooine Gumball Rally - Eclipse server

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Bieres Store Announces:


Tatooine GumBall Rally



Welcome to the very first Tatooine Gumball Rally!!!!


I have decided to host the first Rally. All the excitement and fun starts on December 6th @ 10pm GMT.


Conditions of entry are simple.


1) You must have a Mount to enter

2) Entry fee is 5k

3) Both Imperial and rebels can enter. NO overts please.

4) Players from any planet can enter


I have a route worked out and am looking for additional sponsors for this event. A website will launch this Saturday will full details etc and a listing of those entered so far.


What I need currently are:


Extra Marshalls (will be paid well)


Someone to handing any betting for the race.


I am putting up 500k prize money and ALL the entry fee will also go into the prize pot (less payments to marshalls) I expect a prize pot of 1 million credits or more.


This could possibly be the best event ever on Tatooine and if successful i will hold more and make them more exciting.


If you are interested, post below and please, spread the word. Like I said, i will be launching a website Saturday with more information. If you wish to help or sponsor, post here or send me a message.


*** DO NOT pay entry fees yet as there is a process for the fees to be paid.


Many thanks




Check this out!



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