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Router problems - disconnects


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Hey guys. I'm behind a linksys router that isalso a WAP with a 4port switch built in. I keep getting disconnected from SWG at pretty much random times. Could be 10 mins could be 2 hours.

The router has UPnP (universal plug and play) so I dont have to manually open the port, its opens them as needed. I know it's for sure the router cause sometimes my roommate takes it to his dad's and then I can play totally fine.


If anyone know's whats going on or how to fix it please let me know.




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I have the same problem... I've noticed that I get an almost certain disconnect when I come within 25m of someone else using the same router... weird eh?


One thing I've found that helps is to upgrade your routers firmware to the newest version. I did this and it helped alot... I still get random disconnects, but now they are like 1 or 2 a day instead of every 10 minutes- 2 hours.


It also seemed like I got disconnected alot if I was just sitting still for a minute, or stopped to type an email or something.

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