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How do you meet Luke Skywalker, Han Solo etc.?


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On the back of the box of SWG, it says you can meet with famous characters from the Star Wars films, such as Luke Skywalker, Hansolo, Darth Vader etc.


But my question is, where one earth are they?, and what are their significance to the game?. I have heard for example that Han Solo and Chewbacca are in a cantina on Lok.

But that i wont get near them due to me being Imperial, but i havent declared it for every one to see, though i do have the required 200 points and am a member.

I also heard Luke is on Yavin, whats he doing?, do these characters move around?, Do they do missions or give them?.


This is one part of the game i still havent found anything about.

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Han solo and chewbacca in lok?? i didn't saw them last time i went there and healed some friends in the cantina, darn i need to see all the NPCS!!!!!!!!!!!


well, for imperials you can meet vader and the emperor at the emperor's retreat, is on naboo, if you read this thread carefully you can find lots of npcs.


I made a list of all the npcs you can find in all the places, and I'm imperial so that can help you a little.



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