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Ingame Beta: FF7 Masamune+Buster Sword and more, plus melee trail shader mod!


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Here is the latest project to come out of my secret labs.




It includes 4 working weapon models, as well as a new shader designed especially for melee combat.


The four weapons are - Cloud's Buster Sword (FF7), Sephiroth's Masamune (FF7), a tonfa, and a Kwan Dao. A tonfa is similar to a police nightstick - a side handled baton. It is used in many martial arts, particularily those of the Okinawan variety. The Kwan Dao is a Chinese polearm, sometimes called the Long-handle sword. It is named for an ancient general, Guan Yu Yunchang. If you've read Romance of the Three Kingdoms or played any of the many games based on it by Koei, you have probably seen this. It is employed in some forms of Chinese wushu.


The tonfa is a single hand saber, and can (and should) be dual-wielded. It uses the staff style if singly wielded. The Buster Sword is a two-hand saber, and is fixed to the Strong stance. The Masamne is a two-hand saber, and is fixed to the staff style. The Kwan Dao is a two-hand, and uses the staff style.


Please note the textures here are sort of beta-ish - I'm a modeller before a texturer. If someone would like to help texture these for a future release, please contact me!


The big thing (to me, at least) is the meleetrail shader set. It eliminates the ambient glow on all sabers. However, they still leave a colored transparent trail - think Soul Calibur 2, or Devil May Cry, or whatever. If you have dynamic lights on, they will make a colored light on the ground/wall, which you may or may not like. Disabling or enabling Dynamic Lights will fix that to your liking. Also note that the trails are colored as per your selected saber color - they are not all one color, as earlier mods have done.


The one thing this mod doesn't have yet is a soundpack - I use laghima's kirai, and extracted the sounds out of it. Also I have to give much thanks to laghima - my work is mostly based off of research from his kiriai mod (available on pcgamemods.com), although I doubt he realizes it. Anyhow, thanks for making those mods so I could make mine :)


So, please enjoy! Comments/critiques welcomed!


EDIT: Also want to note that I'm taking weapon requests as long as you can provide some references or photos!





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