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Are Characters deleted after x amount of time of not having an account?


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Well, thats a bad move by the devs,

because if the game ever loses interest for me,

and i stop paying, it will eradicate any chance of me re-subscribing.


I wouldnt ever start again, too annoying making my way back through those scout skills.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

some people have left for longer periods and on EQ (everquest) some have stayed on the server for months.


But really, once you cancel, that should be the end of it



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Where did you get 30 days from? I didn't see that on the official site, and in the swgalaxies.net FAQ section I found these:

Question: Say if i was playing the game for a month, and then i went on vacation for the next month and decided not to pay or play in that month. Will i be able to pick up were i left off the month after the month i didnt pay or play? or will i have to create my account all over again?


Answer: You will be able to do that if your subscription runs out. So, if you were on a 3 monthly plan and that just finished you can cancel it for a month then when you come back you can re-subscribe and continue on with your character.


Question: I've been wondering, I'm going to be moving soon and i don't think i'll be able to play for a few weeks, so i was thinking about cancelling or putting my subscription to the game on hold for a month, will i be able to keep my character when i come back on?


Answer: Yes, your character will be saved indefinately (though only guarenteed for 3 months) until SOE requires the space your character is taking for something else.

The first FAQ answer implies that your character will remain on the server indefinitely, and the second answer states it explicitly. So where did you hear that you only get a month?

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On PS you never get your char deleted even if cancelling subscription...heh if you did get it deleted would be horrible....im at the top of the game (BR 20 CR 5) and gonna have hard time getting these all over again...anywayz its always sweet to be a rookie/newbie (well atleast for me)

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