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What is wrong with some people?


Got a large hunting group together last night (bout 12 people) all got 2 missions and set off.....


some idiot loose cannon in the team just started shooting at everything in sight!!!! and got 2 new guys killed when he hit a mountain squill lair.....


He actually admitted to shooting the lair because he was "bored" with running.



I was covering the front of the team (i am a master scout with all level 3 and part level 4 marksman skills as well, and also all level 1 medic skills) my friend was covering the back (practically the same skills as me) but we just couldn't draw the squills / heal fast enough to save the new guys....


The loose-cannon in question was immediately booted from the group.....


Just a word: If you bore easy (like after 2 mins of running) grouping is not for you, go off and shoot at stuff by yourself, that way you don't endanger new players who group with higher level players to get experience and credits......Not to become Cannon-fodder because of idiots.


Anyone else experience this kind of thing?

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I have the same expirience as Athryn but every once in a while, it happend to me too, were running past a few lairs. All of a sudden a nest pops out 2 bobcats. Nothing to shabby but they hacked in on me.


This was not accpeted by the group leader. So i had to convince him that they took me just cause i was running to close to the lair and they came out the second i ran past it.


Funny part is we were past it and it happend to him as well :D at the next lair we came by.


But ontoppic again i've never had any loose cannons in my groups

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Hey, hey, hey...


I didn't say that French are bad people, just that whenever somone steals my missions it tends to be French or sometimes german... and once every so often some immature snot.


There are some nice French players, one of my friends in my guild happends to be French. And she's lovely, bless her.


Hope nobody takes offense to my previous post, as non was meant. :)

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