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Well here we are again. I've tried to be patient with this game but it is getting increasingly difficult. I don't want to complain that everything about the game is terrible. I've enjoyed certain aspects of the game, the graphics are beautiful and except for too many quests that are bugged, the gameplay is fun. What I'm tired of is not being able to log on at certain times. I go throught the log on sequence and then the game boots me after the screen goes black. I've tried to be patient but this is it. On top of it when I tried to cancel my subscription, I couldn't even do that online. I (surprise) didn't work. I've liked the game , I'm just tired of all the other stuff. Sony should've done more to make the game more enjoyable, Hey it's Star Wars!:atat:

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I haven't had much problem with the game. It doesn't crash. I can always log on to the server I am on. I have a pretty good comp too and maybe thats why I'm not having probs too:D


P4 2,5 GHz

1024 MB RAM

256 MB Geforce FX5900 Ultra

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Make sure you have nothing running in the background. you dont say how much RAM you have. Your system could be over worked and might need a reboot before launching the game again.


Check your graphic card drivers, when did you last update them? A new update has just been released.


I would love to agree with you about Sony but until you check this out first, I cant and I am one of their biggest fans...not! ;-)



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