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Violating Continuity

Soda Fett

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Originally posted by Soda Fett

what measures are in place to keep players from violating continuity? (such as sending Jabba the Hutt to the grave before his time, etc.) And how frustrating are they?


Could you explain in more detail and I'll try to answer. I don't quite get what you mean. :)

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I understood that this game takes place timewise sometime between star wars and the empire strikes back (or maybe it was the empire strikes back and return of the jedi, I forget.) So according to the established timeline, after whatever events occur in the game, Jabba the Hutt must buy Han Solo from Boba Fett, kill Oola, and die at the hands of princess leia. but if I succeed in getting into his chamber, and dispatch him with a well-placed blaster shot, all that never happens, and continuity is violated. So what measures have the devs put in the game to prevent that from happening, and how does it detract from the realism of the game?

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Don't get me started on that. In my opinon, it's George Lucas who's in violation of continuity :mad: But I would assume that they're still making some sort of effort to preserve it, no? Or am I to understand from your post that I could hypothetically assassinate Luke Skwalker, and prevent the Jedi from ever Returning?

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