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Entertainers/Dancers/Musicians: A rare breed?


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When I started playing the game in July, every cantina had plenty of entertainers in there...now, five months later, I get people telling me that I'm healing faster than Coronet. Musicians are probably one of the more rarer ones. Most cantina operators that I've seen are Master Dancers, and I have nothing against that. I am curious if any of the other servers have seen a rapid decrease of Entertainers/Musicians/Dancers.

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I was wondering the same thing.. then it hit me


Could it be the advent of player cities that have caused this?


I bet there are just as many Master Entertainers / Elite Dancers /Musicians as there were back in august, they've just all moved in the mass exodus out to the new player cities.


I've noticed that even tho the trade cities (theed, coronet etc) are as busy as ever (and laggy sigh), places like Tyrenia, Dearic, and Moenia are becoming ghost towns... any new players to the universe are quickly snatched up and whisked away to the new player cities =)


Whaddaya think? Plausible?


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Hhhmm I agree, Tyrena's (atleast in Wanderhome) cantina AND hospital seemed to be deserted, only a few faimliar faces and newbs, and nothing else. I've never seen that place be popular since, August maybe July. It's actually kind of disappointing. It costs more money too, cause you have to buy a ticket to Coronet or some other capital city.



Stupid player cities......:mad:

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I could tlel u stories of long lost musicians. Sigh, we are a rare breed now. the guild im in is all master musicians and master dancers. Most musicians dropped their skills for holo's. Its becoming a growing program on Gorath. It makes me mad, as with my musician counterparts. we see it as a major problem. Head the warning, we know if ur a holocron entertainer and if you dropped ur skills...ur hurting the others more than urselves

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I witnessed the same, seemingly, decline in musicians in the starting cities. I learned everything in this game in the Moenia cantina. I moved to Syn City on Radiant, and when I came back to Moenia for a visit, noone. People were running through the town /yelling for Medics and Entertainers. I was the only entertainer in the city, evidentally. Made some good money that day. It was a sad thing, in any event, we used to have the greatest time in that cantina, and then everyone went their respective ways. I guess that's the price of freedom. We ALL wanted these player cities, and we got 'em. And THEY are great, but the professions are just a little more spread out now, that's all. That's my 2 creds worth.


-Tadashi, CoE


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Originally posted by Tadashi

It was a sad thing, in any event, we used to have the greatest time in that cantina, and then everyone went their respective ways.



Sounds like what happened to me, back when I was an ent in launch, eventually all the dancers and musicians I used to play with in Tyrena just disappeared....

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i don't think they're as sparce as people say - i just think a lot of them have realized the benefits of being in a big group so the theeds of the galaxy get all the attention.


besides if the theory is they've all left to chase holocrons, well just as many other professions would be having to take up entertainment as getting rid of it.


i also think a lot have moved out to the player cities or doign specialized guild stuff. i know a lot of top flight medics are doing this - its almost like they've lived out their residency in the big city hospital and ready to branch out and make the big bucks.

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