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Professions HELP


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Hey, i havnt goten the game yet but iw as wondering.


i want to be a Rifleman.

so when i start off i should pick marksman rights?

then i should get it to 4-0-0-0?

then will i be able to start the Rifleman Skills?

help me plus before being a rifleman what should i get on marksman besides 4-0-0-0 should i master it before trying to master rifleman

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I mastered marksman while I was trying to advance in the rifleman tree, but it took up too many points so I dropped it. But yeah get maybe 4-4-4-3 works fine for me. I've been trying to advance in the rifleman tree for about 2 months now, but I only got skill box in it so far lol. Prolly cause I switch weapons in combat too much lol.

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