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When are the Rangers going to get some upgrades


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I have seen a lot of modifications to BH and CH. Artisans will get some cool stuff soon with vehicles but the profession with the most potential to me is the Ranger. They are comparativly weak right now. When are we going to be able to design our own traps or at least get new kinds. I'm about sick of making Phenedine Darts. How about being able to track a specific creature without having to search every 20m? Maybe an alarm that goes off or a special dot on our radar when a chosen creature is near? When are we going to get any truely useful skills?


Anyone know about or have any ideas about new traps, camps or benefits that us rangers are going to get to really make use useful? This is Star Wars folks I would think that the developers would be more creative with this profession. Obviously they must have run out of ideas. Let's give them some.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Posting on their forums might help but it seems a few professions have been left in the cold...Master Chef being another.



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