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CSRs and houses


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Hey guys, I'm new here, greetings!


I was having a problem with the houses... the problem being that there's no way of knowing if a house is "pre-patch" or not... so far the large Tatooine and small Naboo house I have won't deploy on Dantooine, it just says "this deed cannot be used on this planet"... so I tried submitting a ticket.. but it's been 4 days now and I havent gotten an email or anything that it's been looked at at least.. are CSRs this busy or is there something I should do to push the ticket along?


Is there a /who command to even see if there are any online?


Thanks in advance,



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Guest DarthMaulUK

There is nothing you can really do. CSRs work at their own pace..some get help, some do not. I have a ticket that has been open for 5 months and one for 3 months.


The only way of really knowing about a deed is to get a new one made up. A pain but thats the only real way of knowing.



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Thanks, DMUK, fortunately I found out the PA Im joining has an inhouse architect who cut me a deal on a medium Naboo setup. Right now really Im just trying to recoup my losses on the 2 other houses I bought. It was urgent before because I was at the point where I could do nothing more because every container and ever bank slot was full and I had nothing but 2 dysfunctional houses. Now that I've unloaded (it took hours) they can take their time getting back to me :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

As a Guild Leader I had to deal with this issue when we Allied with another guild and moved to Talus from Corellia. I found that if you take up your house, examine it in your pack, it should tell you where you can place it....your best bet is either getting one made fresh post patch or trading for a generic house. Our Master Architect had to make several small houses for our guild to set up on Talus and found a guild who needed ones from Corellia so we didnt do to bad.

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