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Trade Boards??


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I find it odd that there aren't more obvious tradeskill boards. I mean, for such a crafting heavy game as SWG, I just find it odd that there aren't more sites dedicated to trading. Even EQ has server specific trade boards and tradeskilling in EQ was until recently a total joke.


The reason I ask is that yeah the Bazaar system in SWG rocks (no delivery GRR) but the one thing I noticed is that the PA shops actually have better quality goods than most of the intergalactic Bazaar terminals... things like houses, furniture, etc.. does this have to do with the Bazaar being broken AKA not being able to plop down more than 3k on any one item? If so that sucks, when do they plan on fixing that? Maybe when they fix that a lot of PAs will have the incentive to go galactic with sales instead of keeping them local to afford better prices.


Of course, dealing locally severely cripples your potential clientele..



.................. am I making any sense? :/



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i don't think its broken - i think the bazaar is setup to be exactly what it is - a way to buy and sell relatively low cost items as well as things like hide, bone, meat and other resources. so i don't think that will change any time soon.


i also don't think just selling locally is a bad thing. a lot of crafters have a problem keeping their vendors stocked even with just a local following. and if you're good enough people will come from all over the galaxy to buy your products. also there are several crafters out there with more than one shop on several different planets.


its also not like they're hurting. there's a lot of crafters making TONS of money out there.

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