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Game freezes after i press ESC when the 'star wars' logo starts to scroll up...


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Anyone have sujestions to get it to work? The game works fine on my brother's winxp account(it was installed under his name) but it crashes as the star wars logo scrolls up under my account. Is their a quick fix, or will i have to use my brothers account to play(which likley wont happen, so i'll just have to forget about playing the game all together.)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Put the game in trash ;-)


But failing that, if you really are a glutten for punishment...check to make sure that:


1) Your PC meets the min spec

2) That you have updated your graphics card drivers (Window updates do not count)

3) Your all your hard wear drivers are up to date.


If you do not know how to check this, post back



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