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House/Item bug help


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For the last 4 days, every single item in my large house has become unmovable by the /move forward 1 commands, etc. Ive sent a ticket or two to the Dev gods, but nothing has changed so far... Everything is "This item is not within the building"...


I have spent a lot of time and effort into putting this house together, almost 2 months, to try to make it unique...


Has anyone else had this problem since the last big vehicle patch?


I'm getting more than a little frustrated, since this is pushing back the opening of my bookshop =P


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Best thing is to go into live support and ask the muppets for help.


Another reason could be that you have too many items in the house and it wont let you find them. Does it happen with ALL the items?


I had a vendor that i 'couldnt see' and i couldnt move it...did the CSRs/Devs do anything? Of course not. Thats one of the reasons why i left the game



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