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okay i know if you start off the game as artisan you get a crafting and survey tool but you have less health than if you were a brawler i plan on being pretty big on combat but i still wanna make a lot of stuff and i wouldnt know where to find a survey tool if i started as brawler so my question is if i start as artisan how can i get a higher health because 800 is too low for when i do combat?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Special moves do you Mind/Action points - depending on the move, depends on how much it uses.


You can 'migrate stats' to juggle them around...I have heard this can take ages to do - bear that in mind.


Other options you have, is to use either:


Buffs from a Master Doctor.

These can cost alot of money(3-9k), unless you befriend an MD. Buffs can last hours but watch out for server resets, as you will lose the buff.



There's food out there that can increase your Mind/Action/Health for short times (upto 30mins) - Im not sure, but I dont think you can increase all 3 at once. Master Chefs make these foods, (like Tatooine Sunburn) check the bazzar.


Hope this helps



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Theres an option 'control c' and you can migrate stats. I havent used it before but you can juggle around the HAM.


As for getting the +200 i am not certain. Its worth a try, only cost 100 credits.



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Migrating doesn't take that long. You change the stats and it depending on how much you change it would not take more then 1 - 2 days before it reaches the target status.


Your health pool doesn't change for what proffession you use. It depends on what kind of race you are. I started as a Rodian and I got 1000 in HP. Then I think maybe humans get 800 hp. But as DMUK said... if you don't like it you can change your stats by migrating them.

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okay i was gonna be a twi'lek because i think they look cool and i wanted to be able to do combat but i wanna craft stuff but i dont want to always have to get buffs and i dont wanna always die is it worth starting off as a brawler or marksman and getting the +200 health and stuff and if i go with artisan and have less health does it make that much of a difference i havent gotten the game yet its sitting in my closet and im not suppose to use it til christmas but yeah what would you recomend i do would being a rodian or zabrak instead make that big of a differnce

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I don't know. I only know that if you be an artisan and a Rodian you get 1000Health and you still get 1000 in Health if you be marksman. There is no different what proffession you choose.


You don't get 200 more in Health if you be marksman and you don't get less health if you are an artisan. Your starting health depends on what specie you choose to be, not what proffession.


If you are not sure what you want to be or want to be a little of everything I think human is the best (but maybe boring). They have a very even stat.


Then if you want to be one of the most rare species in SWG choose Rodian (woman) or Bothans. Not Zabrak... I think they are the most popular specie


I donno how much other species get in Health. Rodians get 1000 in health but their Mind pool are lower because of that. I guess same is with the other species. If you get alot of Action pools you get less on some of the other attributes and if a race have alot of Mind pool it get less on the action pool.



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