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Please help,,,probblem with shader image missing


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can some1 please tell me where all the shaders and textures are located for siege_korriban because when i load up my map it says the terrain shader image is missing and i am unable to find it at all,,ive open all the assests and stuff but i still cant see it.Can any1 please tell me where they are.

Thank you

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this is wot i get


Entity module built Oct 11 2003 1.3.12

Loading map from F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

LOADED: textures/models/map_objects/korriban/ragnos_statue_head

LOADED: textures/models/map_objects/korriban/ragnos_statue_hands

LOADED: textures/models/map_objects/korriban/ragnos_statue_body

LOADED: textures/radiant/shadernotex

LOADED: textures/system/caulk

LOADED: textures/korriban/door

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_outsidebase

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_basic_pillar

LOADED: textures/korriban/stairs

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_outsidebasee

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_outsidebasec

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_basic_pillarb

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_trim7

LOADED: textures/korriban/sarc_base

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_outsidebased

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_seproom_wall2

LOADED: textures/korriban/os_basic_walkway

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_trim8

LOADED: textures/korriban/entrance_top

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_basic2

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_trim5

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_seproom_wall

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_ceiling

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_septerbase

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_trim4

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_basic3

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_ceiling2

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_wall9b

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_basicfloor2

LOADED: textures/korriban/entrance_side

LOADED: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_wall2plain

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_trim3

LOADED: textures/korriban/k_wall11

LOADED: textures/system/physics_clip

LOADED: textures/system/clip

LOADED: textures/system/nodraw

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

--- LoadMapFile ---

F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

1920 brushes

21 entities

21.17 second(s) load time


Loading map from F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

--- LoadMapFile ---

F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

1920 brushes

21 entities

10.91 second(s) load time


Loading map from F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

WARNING: brush plane with no normal

--- LoadMapFile ---

F:/Program Files/starwarz/GameData/base/maps/thenewmap.map

1920 brushes

21 entities

11.83 second(s) load time

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