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Looking for an explanation


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OK, I'm workin on building a PvP pistoleer, and my question is would a tangle pistol be a better choice to PvP with against someone equipped with composite armor? Heres my reasoning for thinking that:


Tangle pistol does stun damage, which most composite armor doesn't resist at all. Yes, some does, but the highest I've seen is 15% and I believe then the other statistics are lowered. Lets say (rounding the numbers to make it simpler) my tangle does 50-100 @ 2.0 speed (speed sliced). My target is equipped with a full set of comp armor, but none of it is resisting stun damage so he should be taking full damage (minus of course the PvP damage reductions, which I believe are the same for all types of weapons). Now, compare that to say my FWG5 which does 100-200 @ 2.0 speed. Most decent composite is resisting 70%-80% on everything but stun, and so the heat damage would be reduced 70%, right? This is where I've had conflict. I've been told that the reductions are a bit more complicated. But assuming I have the situation correct, the FWG5 would only be doing 30-60 damage. Compared to the tangle thats considerably less and at the same speed (assuming you get your tangle speed sliced, because they come pretty slow ;|).


If I could I'd like an explanation to go along with the answer, and if your post is an assumption, please state so.

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