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Please forgive the noob question but I haven't mapped for a while and have completely forgotten how to add background music to mp maps. Can someone help me please?


PS I would have looked for an old thread but it seems the forums have had a cleanout!



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Originally posted by SeriousMite

I was also trying to figure this out. Found a thread that explained it:




If you ever want to get into SP mapping, here's a tip: If you want dynamic music (music that changes from action to explore depending on your situation in the game) point to one of the directories in the music directory in assets0.pk3.


Select worldspawn and hit N. Type this is (for example):


under Key you type "music"

under Value you type "music\bespin_platform"


By pointing to the directory and not to any one MP3 in that directory, the game's engine will choose what state the music is suppposed to be in. I suggest you extract your assets0.pk3 somewhere if you haven't already done so and look into the different music the game as to offer. It's all there in the music directory.

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