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Vodoo 3 AGP 3000 FREEZE !!! :((

Guest gocris

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Guest gocris

Hi, sorry my english, I speak from CHile (Southamerica).


I have a AMD K6-500 MMX, 64 MB RAM,

Vodoo 3-3000 AGP.


The game Rogue Squadron Freeze in diferent places (random) in few minutes.


I have a DirectX 7 (come en the Vodoo CD)


I down the Path ROGUEUPD12 and the problem persist.


I probe the CD in the other PC with a 748 motherboard and the game function perfectly ?????


Somebody can help me please ????




Cristian Sanhueza

Santiago of Chile





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Guest The Master

To tell you the truth. Honestly. I am not sure what is wrong. I studied what you had said and found nothing wrong. Maybe you should take this to the authorities. (I don't know where that is.) But I will try to do what I can for you.

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