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Very Funny...must read :)


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This was posted by DraRain on the SWG Warcry Forums and I had to share it with you :)


******* shouts: Anyone want to make me a whole bunch of basic camp kits?


I reply: How many do you need?


******* replies: 40 to 50


I reply: Well, I have 15 you can buy off me if you want.


******* replies: d00d they're not worth ANYTHING, that's why I want them for free.


I reply: Actually, I sell them on the bazaar and my vendor all the time. If people NEED something, that usually means it's WORTH something.


******* replies: LOL, Hush n00b, they are not WORTH ANYTHING.


I reply: No need to be rude, I wasn't going to charge you much as I know there are easy to come by. As for me being a "n00b", you're the one in default clothing, CDEF pistol in hand, shouting for BASIC camp kits. Why can't you make your own camp kits?


******* replies: Look n00b, you ever stop to think that maybe i'm not an artisan..


I reply: Actually, yes that had crossed my mind... so what is it you need the camp kits for anyway?


******* replies: Stupid n00b, there's this thing called Survival XP... you need to camp to get it.


I reply: Yep, that's the scout profession right?


******* replies: YES n00b, now r you going to give me those camps for free r not?


I reply: It really sucks that Scouts can't use basic Crafting Tools to make their own tents, huh?


******* replies: YES n00b, it does... now run along.


I reply: I was being sarcastic you dumb @#$, you CAN use a basic crafting tool to make your own tents. If you had chosen Scout first when you created your character, it would have given you a basic Crafting Tool when you started. But since you obviously got trained as a novice scout later, you have to buy your own crafting tool.


******* replies: I can make my own tents?


I reply: Yes, "d00d".


******* replies: *&$# you!


I reply: Do you see the term (Helper) over my head? That means I'm a helper, if you have questions about the game.. ask me. Usually the players with this over their heads have been playing a while, so stop calling me "n00b".. I find it offensive.


****** replies: So you gonna give me those tents r what?


I reply: No, you can make your own.. just buy a crafting tool.


******* replies: *&%$ you! Do you know where I can go to get my disease cured?


I reply: I can cure disease.


******* replies: Cure me.


I reply: So polite, aren't we?


******* replies: *&%$# you! You gonna cure me or not?


I reply: Sure, but you have to duel me for me to be able to cure you...


******* replies: Duel you?


I reply: Yep, accept the duel and then I'll cure your disease.


******* replies: Ok


I reply: /eyeshot /deathblow


******* replies: You mother %$#&*$, what the %$#@ did you kill me for?


I reply: (Poof) No more disease. BTW "n00b", diseases wear off eventually. Have a nice day in the medcenter /smile.


/add ignore *******



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