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Handshakes and hellos, monthly payment, and UK factions and players

Neon Ultra

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Hi all. I'm from the UK and I'm going to get Galaxies soon, in the next month or two.

I want all my friends to get it with me, but so far I have only succeeded in convincing one. out of the 8 or so people I asked about 6 wanted to do it, but only 1 wanted to do it after I told them about the monthly subscription. I must admit it is slightly unfair. Surely the developers don't need all that money for extended development and upholding the servers? I mean other multiplayer games like UT manage without a subscription (though I appreciate a bit more time and effort is needed for a MMORPG).

But I am convinced that if Galaxies removed its monthly subscription (and other MMORPGs), or at least made it smaller, then MANY more people would buy the game. I predict at least 500% more players would join, slap me hard if I'm wrong.

Anyway, at least me and my other friend are prepared to fork out the cash (even though it will be taxing for me to pay as I have very little money - I'm a student - and don't have a job at the moment).

Finally, are there any known UK based servers (all I can find are nearly all US servers and two European servers)?. Are there any good UK websites on SWG? And are there any UK player factions? I'm particularly looking for Imperial and Ranger factions.

All you UK players give me a shout as well.



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Hey there Neon_Ultra, im from the UK but i havent got this game yet, I think that there would be thousands and thousands more players if the monthly subscription was removed, but if the subscription was removed then no one at SOE would have there jobs, i mean alot of the money from the sales pay off what it cost to actually make the game, and then to pay salarys obviousely, but it will run out sooner or later, and unlike UT, these servers are not players servers, there actual SOE servers, which cost money and effort to run, as one can hold approx. 5000 players, unlike UT which you can easily set up a server for 8 - 16 people for nothing, and also, in UT you dont get a monthly patch/upgrade, which will usually add new content, (lately there has been the mounts), fix bugs/problems within the game, and this month they are reconfiguring alot of the job paths, i.e how to become a Jedi, and i think they are doing up the Chef's path? And lets not forget the monthly story, Act 3 is up and running at the moment, you can check out what is happening in the Storys on the Official Site.


All of these things cost money, and thats where your £11 is going each month, therefor thats why it is called Pay To Play. ;)

Hope this helps.


I may also be getting this game soon aswell, I'd like to maybe see you on there sometimes, anyway, good luck with the game and try to persuade more of your friends to buy it too ;)

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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Neon_Ultra

Finally, are there any known UK based servers (all I can find are nearly all US servers and two European servers)?. Are there any good UK websites on SWG?


There are/were plans to have UK servers but I am not sure if this will be the case. Galaxies has sold just 13,000 units since its launch, and the UK and even Europe are not huge fans of online gaming.


Publishers are starting to do more stuff online though.


Things do need to be paid for...servers cost alot of money and someone has to pay for all those 'brain storming' meetings SOE have in their boardrooms counting the cash that Galaxies must be making them.


I do warn you though, should you decide to embark on this mission to play Galaxies, do not sign up for 6 months payment, because if you decide to quit early on, you will lose the money you paid.


As for websites.. you have found one!



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

There are/were plans to have UK servers but I am not sure if this will be the case. Galaxies has sold just 13,000 units since its launch, and the UK and even Europe are not huge fans of online gaming.


Publishers are starting to do more stuff online though.






What would you advise, me joining a European server (closer to home but I expect most people not speaking English), or an American server?

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

I may also be getting this game soon aswell, I'd like to maybe see you on there sometimes, anyway, good luck with the game and try to persuade more of your friends to buy it too ;) [/b]


Cheers. I've persuaded two of my stingy friends to part with their money now.


I'm going to be a human Ranger and Fencer/Swordsman, I'm not sure what professions the others are going to be. We're going to be dastardly Imperials :violin:



Read the rules about double-posting.

Thank you. :)

- Jan

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Most people speak english - so there shouldnt be a problem but lag can be an issue when its busy. So can join up for 2 servers with different characters - so give that a try and see how you get on. Join a Euro one and US one.



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