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Something funny

Guest wildthing

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Guest wildthing

We'll I downloaded and installed the demo 2 days ago. Couldn't play it however do to my time schedual.


When i had a bit of free time last night I went to play and low and behold . . . found my wife playing!!! <shock><gasp>


What was funny is she was close to the end of the map on medium, with a few troops left (no storm troopers, just converted rebels) and 1 AT-ST. I asked here were Vader was.


She scrolled half way down and said "He is supposed to survive to the end so I hid him in the bushes down here".


Now, I don't know why I found this so funny, but the thought of the Dark Lord of the Sith hiding in some shurbbery out of fear for his life had me doubled over laughing. My wife just stuck her tongue out at me and kept playing.


Looks like we'll both be looking forward to the November release date of the full game <grin>



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Lol! sounds like the single player campaign wildthing. i'll say this, you have a cool wife, and a smart one! yeah, darth vader has to survive that to win that scenario so taking out the rebel defenses with every last troop you have to end up having darth vader stroll his way along the path to victory is most impressive.


btw, welcome to these boards.....

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Guest wildthing

Thanks for the welcome "Lord J".


I don't really think it's that it is Star Wars that has my wife interested, but the fact it is a RTS game that has caught her attention.


She really likes games like Sim city ect.


I may get her AOK, she likes the historic games with real historic personas a bit better.


Problem is we only have 1 pc so we will still be competing for computer time <grin>



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Guest wildthing

This just in . . .


Lord Vader is reported to be suffering from a sever inflamation on his . . . er . . . trash compacter. :eyeraise:


Sources report the inflamation came from some local flora on the planet Yavin. Apparently he was infected while hiding in some shurbbery from the Rebel . . . <ack> :vadar:


<metalic breathing> "Never mock a Dark Lord of the Sith"



Ok, so I need help



I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:

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Guest Thrawn

*Galactic News*


Darth Vader demands poison ivy resistant suit!


Late this afternoon two Imperial walkers found the darklord scratching at an enourmous red bump on his. . .

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Guest Boba Rhett

.......Back on topic in....Three...two....one...


It's great that your wife and you both enjoy playing games. Hopefully both of you will become valued members of the gb community. :) Then the ratio of men to women on the gb boards would jump up to 379 to 1. :D

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Hey my wife cannot wait for it to come to my door either.......she will either try to keep it from me until I can no longer take it and agree to her terms.....or she will hide it until my birthday on Dec 22.....either way I have an impossible mission as I work until 2pm and the mail gets there before I do.


She knows I will forget her name when it arrives........work did I have work today? Nope.....hehehehehe

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Guest wildthing

We'll my wife was flattered by the comments and request to post to this forum. I think we may have a new convert :leia:



I thought I saw a . . .



Wild Thing :thrawn2:

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Man your wife is so cool!


My wife has only ever seen Episode I and is refusing to watch IV, V and Vi without seeing II and III first :rolleyes:


AND she keeps tidying away my speeder bike and my pewter figures



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Guest wildthing

Hey, I'm just glad my wife likes the game. She won't give me any flack for buying it in Nov :laughing:


As I said before, the only problem will be the two of us fighting over who gets to use the computer when (we only have 1 pc between us <evillaugh>



I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:

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