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Raid on Sullust...!!!!

Guest J64

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Those stupid missiles keep killing me b4 i can get all the targets! Any techniques that work for avoiding those missiles in the y-wing?




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Guest stratman

Hey, what's happening? For raid on Sullust, I fly up and down, making it more difficult to get a lock. I don't shoot any enemies, and when I'm about to die (I've lost artoo!), I bomb ridiculously (you get all your bombs back on your next life. Good luck!


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Guest ATATinattack

The key to beating this level is to hold the acceleration throughout it, hold fire throughout it, and fly rather high...Also you must try to shoot the missles shot at you. First destroy the missle turret directly to the left and the first smaller relay capacitor(You can destroy the two laser guns if you want...I usually do). You have to destroy all of this in one pass. Next, move to the center of the level(by the main shielded capacitor), and destroy three turrets that are before the one landing platform. The three turrets are in a row on a small strip of land and should be around two or three ATSTs(take out the ATSTs with bombs,this is a must for gold). You must destroy the two or three capacitors that are by the missle turrets too.(DONT WORRY YOU MAY DIE HERE OR HAVE DIED HERE ONCE ALREADY AFTER YOU DESTROY THE FIRST CAPACITOR) Destroy the other two or three capacitors and missle turrets to the left of the platform(they are a little further back towards the wall:THESE ARE THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE TURRETS)REMEMBER ALL THIS IS DONE IN ACCELERATION.Get the BONUS by the landing platform(its in the BIG black barrack that is to the right of the wall)..Destroy the two laser guns and capacitor and head for the other side of the wall...to the right when you first come in the level..Destroy the turrets and last three capacitors on the other side of the wall. One is by a missle turret. With that done, take out the white relays on the central capacitor by strafing left to right OR right to left:your choice. It may take two or three passes...THATS IT...YOU SHOULD GET THE GOLD.HOPE THAT HELPS<LET ME KNOW IF YOU GOT A GOLD>...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Why use FARMBOY? Just IGIVEUP, then when you start the level, just kick in the Y-Wing's afterburners(for what it's worth), and bomb the SOBs. When you know you are about to go down, just fly at the most valuable target within crashing distance(like a missile turret, walker, or the building with the technology upgrade) But number one, ignore your wingmen. They can fend for themselves. Take it from me, I got the gold medal, not cheating.


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Guest Christian

The strategy posted by ATATinattack will NOT get you a Gold Medal for this level. Because you must get a 75% Accuracy for it, you can't just fly around shooting all the time, nor can you take the time to fly around looking for targets. There are 5 simple keys to getting the Gold:

1. Accelerate at ALL times.

2. Follow your radar as best you can.

3. Don't fire unless the target is in your sights. If you're flying low enough, you can take out Turbolasers with your blasters, saving your bombs for more durable targets.

4. Aim high at the Missile Turrets to take out missiles before they hit you.

5. Don't forget to pick up the Bonus, located near the landing platform.


That's it. Stick to these five guidelines and in a few times you'll have the Gold.






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I know this is hard but try to memerize where the missle turrets are and take them out first.



Fly fast and shoot straight.


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