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[JO] Doomsgiver Detention


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Heya People,


I'm having fun on the Doomsgiver and my DEMP2 is almost empty! Ha! No chargers nearby. Anyway.


Game: Jedi Outcast


Level: Doomsgiver Detention (haven't found Jan yet and looking for Shield Gen)


Room Description

Theres two TIE bombers hung from a platform in the middle of the room and there are three HUGE double-doors which are opened in sequence by one button on the next level. Behind each one is one or two droids with weapons that take you out in one shot.



I cleared opened all three doors and cleared the droids with the DEMP. The first two lead to dead ends. The third however, leads to a platform lift, which in my mind must be the way forward. BUT When get on it I thrown into hyperspace upon reaching the top.


What doesn't Work

Force Speed to run to the door

Force Jump to avoid the suction


Can't find

Any button to close the darned window!


I hope someone out there can guide me and be willing. It's not fun seeing yourself thrown out a window at least once a minute :p lol


Thanks and MTFBWY

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instead of taking the lift up, go back the way you came, i.e. back to the first hangar bay. There should be a room you can see through a window. Go through the door and turn left. Go into the door on the right (there should be two doors) and hit the blue switch, this is the one which opens and closes the energy curtain/force field. This should close the field thereby preventing you from getting sucked out when you return to the second hangar bay. Note that there are three hangar bays you have to go through.

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You see, this is the problem. I can't seem to go back. I'm stuck in the room (unless I'm stupidly blind of course).


The three huge doors that open in sequence only one is ever open at one time. The door I came in is the door now I get sucked through. There are no doors above, only alchoves in which are a few goodies (ammo packs, shields etc).


The platfrom I think I came DOWN on, is the one when I try and go back UP, it sucks me into space. The other two are dead ends.


Am I gonna have to restart Doomsgiver Detention?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, I redid Doomsgiver Detention and got through ok, as this time I closed the doors before I went down to the hanger bay :p


I got through Doomsgiver Shields and am facing the Emperor Pretender, Galak. Only he's wanting to be part man, part droid, the idiot that he is.


My DEMP2 has very little ammo and there is none within my reach. Force Lightening didn't seem to affect him. Without giving me the complete answer for defeating him, could someone give me a clue?


Thanks :)

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