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where are all the bonuses?

Guest DeathStarDestroyer

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Guest ATATinattack

DeathStarDestroyer...Here are the missions where the bonuses are:

Corellia: After you destroy the TIEs that are attacking the shuttle for Madine...make it back to the place where he is, the tech center...go to the closest city...check out the columns below...there should be a bonus.

Jade Moon: Take the small canyon to the left when you first enter the level...continue down the canyon until you reach a point where it forks off in two directions...take the left path...blow up the missle turret and the black building for another powerup.

Imperial Construction Yards: After you destroy the 6 radar, keep going straight past the ATAT to where there is a shuttle preparing to take off...destroy the turret and the black builing in the upper left corner behing the platform for another bonus.

Prisons of Kessel: At the second prison that Madine goes to in the shuttle, fly high to the right when you first come in the prison area to see a missle turret and a black building...destroy them both and get the bonus.

Taloraan...At the city area where Kasan says "it reminds her of Bespin" first destroy the one annoying interceptor with your seeker concussion missles...then look in the center of the city for the power up...first approach the city from behind and get the bonus, its much easier.

Fest: When you are about to destroy the research center...look up to the right of the level by the cliff...you will see two turbolasers and a black bunker building in the middle...destroy it and collect the bonus.

Raid on Sullust: Near the only landing platform in the level...destroy the missle turrets and turbolasers near the platform. Destroy the black building for the bonus. The platform is at the far end of the level towards the back.

Moff Seerdon's Revenge: OK, this one is kind of hard to find but not too hard. When you see two ATSTs attacking people on a cliff with several turbolasers...you are in the right place...go down to the canyon towards the right where several bacta containers are near a black bunker...you got it...destroy the bunker for the last powerup in the game...




[This message has been edited by ATATinattack (edited January 14, 1999).]


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Guest Torpedo

The easiest way to get the bonus on Seerdon's Revenge is to merely make a U-Turn when you first start the level and head down into the valley. There's a lone imperial container that houses the bonus. that houses the bonus amidst two rebel buildings.


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Guest DeathStarDestroyer

thanks a lot ATAT, i really appreciate it. im sure ill be able to locate al the bonuses now. i can picture exactly where you mean for all of them.


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Guest DeathStarDestroyer

ATAT i have a question. at first i thought you meant the columns of the tech center, but after close inspection and dying numerous times i can not find it. i then approached the next city over and cant find any columns. so where are these columns at and is it the city with the tech center? your knowledge is greatly appreciated and i thank you for responding.


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There is a bonus on Blockade At Chandrila. After you save the shuttles from the six AT-STs, look for another AT-ST by three pillars that are close together, on the outskirts of the city. If you have any problems, let me know.


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As you fly towards the yellow wedge (after the falcon comes) you will come to a city. There will be three small rectangular buildings. It is on the left of the last one to the left.



Fly fast and shoot straight.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Steel Talon

If you want all the bonuses, type TOUGHGUY on the passcodes screen...



May the Force be with you,

Steel Talon.


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Guest FireFly

A Nifty list of all the bonuses and where to get them. hope this helps:




Defection at Corellia: Advanced Proton Torpedoes.


To get the Defection at Corellia powerup, turn and head along the coast over the cliff towards the next group of buildings after you destroy the bombers and the 2 TIE squads that attack the shuttle. You should then see two enemies close together on radar. When you approach the city you should see a blue area within the buildings. There should be 2 stormies walking around the powerup. Fly over the powerup and head away from it. Then turn around and head back to the city as slow as possible. In front of you, you should see a short, wide building. Stay low over the top of the building and dive down to get the powerup. There will be a small opening to the left from inside the blue area where the powerup is, pull up and to the left through here to exit or you will hit the buildings and die or be damaged badly.


The Jade Moon: Advanced Shields.


As soon as the mission starts, head past the area where the transports start moving. Stay left and you should see a canyon. Turn in to it and stay low. Use your boosters or S-Foils to gain speed. Don't pull out of the canyon to shoot turrets on top, because you may pick up a few missiles and it will slow you down to avoid them. Soon you should come across a turbolaser on the canyon floor. Blow it up. After you fly through the rubble of the turbolaser, you will come to a 'Y' intersection. Turn left, and stay as low as you can, and hug the left side of the wall. When you come to a clearing there will be a missile turret to the right behind part of the canyon. Blow it up and kill the turbolaser on the hill and the missile turret on top of the far canyon wall. Blow up the building in the valley, and there should be a powerup inside. Note: don't worry about killing the turbolasers around the shielded supplies because they can't hurt the combat vehicles (they miss).



Imperial Construction Yards: Advanced Bombs.


After you blow up the radar dishes, go straight-ahead and blow up the AT factory. When you come back out, head left to the ST factory. In front of the valley that leads to the ST factory you will see one of those mini-bases with a landing pad and a Lambda class shuttle taking off. Be sure you aren't at the pad with the ties on it. Blow up the shuttle if you want, and destroy the little round, short silo things that around the base of the landing pad. When one of them blows up a little powerup should pop out of it. This powerup is tricky to pick up, because it moves in and out of the ground. Turn around and make a slow approach. When you get near it, wait until it comes out of the ground and zip towards it as fast as you can. If you miss, just turn around and make another pass.


Prisons of Kessel: Seeker Concussion Missiles.


The Prisons of Kessel powerup is very easy to get, but be sure not to leave the shuttle unprotected while grabbing it. When the shuttle comes to the 3rd prison, take out all the turbolasers and TIE's in the area. Then, on one of the cliffs around the prison complex you should notice a high flat spot with some stuff on it. Go as slow and as high as you can. Then, fly down and kill the missile turret before it can shoot. There will be a bunker next to it. Kill it and grab the powerup inside. Be sure to pull up hard after grabbing it because a steep wall surrounds it.


Battle Above Taloraan: Advanced Blaster Cannons.


The key to getting the Taloraan powerup is speed. If you spend too much time chasing the TIE's, then when you return to the Cloud City to get the powerup, a lone squint will chew you up while you make a run for the powerup. The Powerup is located dead in the center of the city. When you approach the city, fly as high as the simulation will allow. When you are near the city, dive down slowly and you should see the powerup. Speed up to get it, but slow down and pull up hard after you get it. This is best to attempt in the A-Wing, because it is more maneuverable. If you go in the X-Wing, you will not be able to pull out and you will hit a building and be damaged or killed. After you fly it several times you will remember where it is and be able to approach it at a normal altitude.


Escape from Fest: Seeker Proton Torpedoes.


After you protect the ATPT's and destroy the shield generator, head towards the research facility. Destroy the missile turrets and anything else you can on the first pass. Then fly over the research facility. Behind and slightly to the right on the cliff above the facility, you should see a bunker with 2 turbolasers and some antennae. Blow up the turrets on your approach and then destroy the bunker. A powerup will pop out. Grab it and turn around to make a slow approach on the research facility. Blow it up and the mission is over.


Blockade on Chandrilla: Advanced Bombs.


The best time to get the powerup on Chandrilla is after you kill the 6 ATST's that attack the evacuation shuttle. While the transports are sitting there doing nothing, go to the center of the city, and then from there head right from the direction of the transports. Travel from there around the back edge of the city until you encounter 3 tall buildings and a lonely ST firing on them. Spoil his day by blowing him up and out comes his little secret - a powerup.


Raid on Sullust: Advanced Bombs.


The Sullust powerup is located inside a large building that resembles the ATST factory on Imperial Construction Yards. This building is located behind the large landing pad and next to one of the transmitters. When you approach the landing pad, shoot all missiles and make a bombing run, destroying the little cases near the pad (for extra kills), the turbolasers nearby, the transmitter and the bunker near it, and finally the factory which is to the left of the transmitter. You can either kill the factory with bombs (1 kills it) or blasters (if you wanna make a slow run). I personally prefer making a slow run with blasters cause I don't have to make a sharp dive to get the powerup after I bomb it. The powerup likes to stay half buried in the ground, so you might get your shields scuffed up


Moff Seerdon's Revenge: Seeker Cluster Missiles.


When you start playing, there should be a missile about to slam into you from the left side, and a missile turret dead in front of you. Shoot them both and turn around 180 degrees. You should see a depression with some bacta tanks in it and at the far end a little bunker. Simply shoot the bunker and out comes arguably the best powerup in the whole game: Seeker Clusters.



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