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What If ...

Guest Kint

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Hey I just realized something... What happens on certain levels if you lose?


- What happens if you let the World Devastators get to the city? Never tried.


- What happens if you let the AT-ATs destroy the Shield Genertor on Hoth? Never tried.


- What happens if you let the TIE Bombers destroy Mos Eisley? Guess what...Never tried.


- I've also never let Crix Madine die. Is it any fun ??


- I've never allowed the train to be destroyed on Chandrilla.


I don't have access to my N64 for another week or so. Anybody ever tried (or not tried, just got their but kicked smile.gif ) doing the following ?







Moff Kint





[This message has been edited by Kint (edited February 16, 1999).]


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Guest FireFly

As far as I know:


On Mon Cal, the Devastators just stop once they reach land and shoot their guns at the city. They dont scoop up the city.


In Hoth, if you let the shield generators bluw up (or blow them up yourself) Rieekan says "Skywalker, where are you? we need air cover now! AAAGGHH!!


If you let the bombers incinerate Mos Eisley or you blow them up yourself then Luke says "we've failed; the spaceport has been completely destroyed" and the mission ends.


Whn you kill Madine he says "We cant take these TIE's!!! AAAGHH" or something like that. Then he blows up and the mission ends.


On Chandrilla if the train blows up (which it cant unless you kill it) Seerdon will say "As you can see, I have destroyed the hovertrain and Chandrilla is now mine. Retreat or I will shoot you all down." and the mission ends.





"Skywalker, what are you doing?!"




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Hey great thanks! I`m kinda bummed about the Devastators, though. I would've loved to see them tear the place up! What about Rescue on Kessel ? What happens when the train escapes ?






Moff Kint





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Guest JeDi BoY

it shows a cutscene of the train entering the train station, with a voice (I think Riekkens) saying, "bad news Rogue Squadron, The Train has offloaded it cargo..."



- Commander JeDi BoY of Red Squadron



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Guest DeathStarDestroyer

and another thing. on assault on kille(sp)II, if you fly around and shoot every single damn Y wing down, wedge and rogue seven still manage to be ambushed.


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Guest FireFly

lol. Also on Gerrard IV I have shot down every single freakin TIE, but Kasan still shows up at the end. It really sucks that you cant kill her




"Skywalker, what are you doing?!"




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