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starting a new character... which server


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im on chimeara server atm with a charactor ive had from the begining but gonna start a second charactor on another server for a change of scenery.


I want it busy but not too busy, due to the silly lag etc.


any suggestions considering the time differences between uk and US? ie i dont want to be playing in the middle of US night time when everyones asleep.


on a side note.... does anyone play any funny or different looking characters? surely everyone isnt running around as a human or zabrak, 6ft tall, dressed in comp with the biggest gun you've seen.


i was thinking of starting a really fat fish type person (got a mental blcok on the name).


Also, does anyone play an opposite sex character?

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Bloodfin (East Coast server) or Sunrunner.


Bloodfin has a lot of people on it, but the lag is somewhat descent (aside form coronet/theed)


Sunrunner I had another character on that day when half the servers were down (I know i'm addicted :p), and the people there are pretty whole hearted. I took up novice entertainer, was playing music in the cantina (only one there) and some guy tipped me 10k for healing his wounds :D

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I sa, go for starsider. It has very little lag (except i cornet aroung 5 pm). There are some great armor and weapon smiths on starsider. If you choose it, look me up, I am "Trythor Hax" (no quotation marks). I like the Fat Calamari idea, but make him super short with a long head.


/ \

(__ O

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Mon-Cal Man



EDIT: mon cal man did not come out right, sorry.



Don't double-post.

Use the edit button.

Thank you.

- Jan!

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Well it's been a while since you posted that but check out Intrepid. I really like it. I've met a lot of people from the UK and 'most' people are nice. I was on Ahazi for a bit but got no assistance from anyone and I'm not talking credits. I just asked questions (and this is when I was Newnew not just from another server) like how do I find the medical center, what creatures will be easiest for me to kill....got the same reaction on...what was it....Starsider maybe. Finally hit Intrepid and have been on it since.

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