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Gold on first level

Guest Kule Skywalker

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Guest Kule Skywalker

I cannot get gold on the first level! I am always 4 kills short. Where are those extra kills?



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When you start the level, bank to your left. There will be 2 Stormtroopers on dewbacks, and 2 more Stormtroopers running around near the Falcon's Escape Pod. That's 4 smile.gif



Moff Kint




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Guest Janson

It wasn't the Falcons escape pod, it was the Tantive IV, at least I think it was IV.



Fly fast and shoot straight.




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Yes you're right, it's the Corvette's pod. Damn my volatile memory !



Moff Kint





[This message has been edited by Kint (edited March 29, 1999).]

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