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imperial construction yards

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Guest SM_123

For this level, there are five main sections.


1. the long part where you start out

2. The AT-ST factory

3. The AT-AT factory

4. The big wide open space. You enter it as you come out of the long part.

5. Another big wide open space in a corner of a level.

The AT-AT factory is directly to your left as you exit the main part. use your radar to find the entrance. the at-st factory is also on the left side. so basically, when exitting the long part, at-at factory imediately to your left. at-st factory a bit farther from the exit, and also to your left. when you destroy those go back to the big wide open space (has a landing platform in it and destroy everything. then go to the other big open space (has a shuttle on the landing platform) and destroy everything there. in the big space #2, the bonus is there.

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