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Access Ships with golds!

Guest flamin_tie

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Guest flamin_tie

If you can access any ship for any level with all golds, can you destroy AT-ATs with a Y-Wing and bombs???????

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That's the thing that sucks; as soon as there's AT-ATs involved, you're stuck with the speeder and that's it. You don't know how often I wanted to bomb those SOBs.





Moff Kint




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Guest Nitro

Same here, Kint old budd... I mean pal. wink.gif Same here.



Friends are friends and pals are pals, but buddies sleep together.


Rogue Sixty-Nine

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Guest flamin_tie

Is there a chance that there might be more TIEs?? When you see the Interceptor, try looking left or right.

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Guest flamin_tie

I mean when you have the option of it in the bay- look left and right of it to see if there are other craft!!!

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