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Exploit sites: What are your thoughts


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I was wondering what you all think of SWGuide (not going to post the link). It is a site that gives you exploits/guides and is a subscribe based website.


Taken from the site:

"How to make insane amounts of weapons and unarmed exp without risking death

Explicit instructions on where to go to find easy destroy missions that give much, much more credits that they should (200k credits per hour is a normal for these) -- this one type of secret is worth the price of the guide alone

Login twice at the same time on the same computer with the same account.

How to counter bad bugs like the mob melee bug and always get missions with high exp, loot and FPs

Kill player characters with ease

Simple tricks that make a few hundred Star Wars Galaxies credits, but when macroed over and over make millions with no risk

Kill monsters (2,000 - 3,000 weapon exp per) at no risk to yourself over and over for mastering pistol, carbine and rifle

...and lots of other Star Wars Galaxies tricks we don't want to mention on this publicly available page or people will figure them out "


You could be playing with one of the subscribers as well:

"Subscribers: 15898

Awaiting Approval: 3"


Now, to the moderators, I'm not supporting the site, nor agree with what they are doing. I've just heard a lot of swg players bitch and moan about exploits and people using them. I just want to know your thoughts on this site.


Are they killing the game?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I feel that if Galaxies did what it promised to - appeal to everyone, not just the 'power gamers' out there, then there would be no need for these kind of sites.


However, Galaxies forces you to grind and grind and grind and for those who work/school etc who just havent got the time to sit infront of the game for tens of hours a day grinding, leaves these kind of players out in the cold.


No smoke without fire



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  • 3 weeks later...



I happened upon that site (or one similar) by accident today and closed the site after realizing what it was. It has taken me an insane amount of time to master Doc and just as long to get close to Master Gunfighter because I work 2 jobs and a few other responsibilities to tend to before playing. I was SO excited when I got Master Doc and will be when I get Master Gunfighter because I did this all myself. I did use a crafting macro for the last skill and a half of the Doc tree, so sue me. There are some who want more credits, power, skills, or whatever faster and some that want it NOW...but is it really a game then?

I do not like crafting at all but reallize that it's part of the game and makes it a challenge. Keep in mind I'm not trying to unlock so I am not working on time constraints. It's getting late where I am and I feel I'm rambling so I'll get to my point.


I think it's crap to use info off the exploit page. If that macro I used is considered that I won't use it again (not that I have a need right now anyway). I got mostly through Doc without it and would do it again. Play the game already. If it's too hard or in depth for ya to play the way they planned it then find something else. OR hire your younger siblings or friends to play for you. :)

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