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Requested feature was omitted at compile time?


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I have been making a map for like a month now and i have just recenty compiled and tested it, it has been orkingpreviously all i did was add a cutom texture.....with this new texture it compiles fine using (test) BSP Meta Vis ...wahtever the first test one... anyway when i try and start a solo game on it with academy it stops the game and shows the openGL window and it has this error message "Requested feature was omitted at compile time" .... What can i do

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I had the same problem a while ago.


Make sure your texture was saved in standard JPEG encoding.


Although ShaderEditor and Radiant can show it, the JPEG progressive encoding is not supported by JA :rolleyes:


The error message "Requested feature was omitted at compile time" does not refer to the BSP compile processes but rather to JA.EXE and DLL compile time. :p

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