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Error says I need to adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_Spawnserver


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I have been spawning custom made npcs using custom models and sabers I've downloaded. However, sometimes when I load my NPCs and begin fighting, the game crashes and I get an error that says: "Error: Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_SpawnServer." This error happens on Single player maps and MP maps I load in single player. It doesn't matter how many npcs I spawn too, sometimes it happens when I spawn three or more, or sometimes when I only spawn one. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all, and I haven't seen any consistency with the error and any particular npcs/models I load. It seems to be very random. Does anyone know where I can find this elusive SV_Spawnserver and adjust this MiniHeapSize? I've searched the two config files and there is nothing that meantions an SV_SpawnServer or MiniHeapSize. I have searched multiple forums for anyone with a similar error and I haven't found anything helpful. I would appreciate anything anyone has to say on this issue.

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