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Those stinking interceptors are a pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Sa Memax

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Guest Lt Guilo

What's really funnyhaha is, I think this guy, based on his chosen profession and spelling of his username, is ACTUALLY Chef Emeril Agassi. biggrin.gif


See? And you thought I wasn't onto you.... wink.gif



(Insert witty one-liner signature HERE)<font size="1">


[This message has been edited by Lt Guilo (edited December 10, 1999).]

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Guest Imladil

<font size=10><font color=red>BAM!</font></font>


Hmm. Nope, doesn't fit. I'm afraid I'll have to stick with: biggrin.gif


<font size=10><font color=red>BANZAI!</font></font>


Aaahh. Much better. wink.gif I am NObody famous; I work in a truckstop fer crissakes...



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Emissary


"Does the ocean start in my toilet?"


--Little Jimmy




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Guest Lt Guilo

Truth be told, I wouldn't eat anything prepared by some fellow with a Mafioso-accented speech dialect and accordingly heavyset build, and who frequently interjected his own sound effects when handling the ingredients, regardless of his <font size="7" color="ff0000">BAM!</font> vs. <font size="7" color="ff0000">BANZAI!</font> preference.


All I wanna hear from the dude is <font size="7" color="ff0000">Bon Appetít!</font>


But, hey - that's just me. smile.gif



(Insert witty one-liner signature HERE)

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Guest Imladil

Actually, that dude bugs me, too. I just don't want someone that sweaty standing over my food, that's all.


That's reasonable, isn't it?



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Emissary


"Does the ocean start in my toilet?"


--Little Jimmy




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Guest Lt Guilo

...<s>Define "reasonable"</s>Oh my, but yes. ESPECIALLY for an enlightened soul such as yourself. biggrin.gif



....Wine list? Accoutrement? Breath mint? Candy mint?<font size="1">


[This message has been edited by Lt Guilo (edited December 18, 1999).]

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Guest Imladil

Reasonable: (to me, anyway) coinciding precisely with my worldview. Agreeing with all my ideas and acquiescing unsufferingly to my every whim. Reasonable. wink.gif


Enlightened? Um...I am aware of my own confusion. Does that qualify me?


Hoist that man up the yardarm! Drop the main giraffe! Bring the whale about and wiggle her threateningly at the b***h-hogs!


I use lots of non-stick spray at work because I hate penguins.



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Thrashmonkey


"When it comes to geology, I'm out of my element."


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Sa Memax

Whats with giraffs,whales,and penguins.Huh,Imladil.Prepare to keel haul Fligh Leader Imladil.HAWHAWHAWHAWHAW.I am going to enjoy this.

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Guest Imladil

Nice try, Sa, but you can't keel-haul a HOLOGRAM! BAW-haw-haw-haw--! biggrin.gif


*Sigh.* You see, my poor, misguided unit...I'm using federation technology. Why? Because my class C poet's license says I can, that's why! So the being you think is Imladil is actually a realistic computer simulation projected into this reality...which is computer driven itself, and being a part of the greater universe, is itself part of a quantum matrix based on questionable reality.


Aaaauugh! Headache! Switch to French. *Beep!* D'accord. Le francais me servit plus bien pour decriver l'etat de mon tete, de toute facon. Voila: ce soit possible que je soit malade en la tete, mais ce n'est rien parce qu'on ne peut jamais eprouver l'etat d'etre.


Sorry. Had to go all exitstential there.


Try this: take 1 hypodermic syringe (unused, of course), a chocolate bar, some strawberries and a shot of cognac. Make a bain marie--a simple kitchen set up where you heat water in a big pan and set a smaller pan in the water. Put the chocolate in the smaller pan, and it will melt without burning. Dip strawberries in chocolate, let dry. Fill your syringe with cognac and inject the strawberries with the liquor; let sit overnight. Yummy-yum-yum yummers. wink.gif



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Thrashmonkey


"When it comes to geology, I'm out of my element."


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Sa Memax


get a jar

a few ballons

a syringe

a lobster tail(yes i said LOBSTER)

and ducttape

put the tail in the jar and stretch one or two baloons over the jar and put the tape around the neck of the jar.and wait for several months.After 3 months insert the syringe into the jar.(do not do this inside)

This unusal experiment produces a deadly poison.COOL.


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Guest Imladil




"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Zoomunit


"Crystal magic helps the elementally disabled."


--Little Jimmy




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Guest Sa Memax

Hey.Chill man.I've never done it.But a pyro guy I know did it and sprayed it in his neighbors house because he didn't like them.It is so strong that 2 or 3 drops in a building.And the building will be condembed.THe only way you can tell it is anywhere is by a smell so strong it would probobly disintegrate your sinus.So just CHILL!

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Guest Imladil

Napalm...Dippity-doo...what's the difference?


I've always wondered...Superman can fly into the Earth's crust and survive...but what would it look like? I mean, magma glows on exposure to air, but does it luminesce farther down? Or is it dark--hot and dark?


Radio Free Saturn standing by.



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Samurai


"If dolphins had thumbs, would we still be in control of the planet?"


--Little Jimmy



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