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Guest TheForceGuy

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Guest TheForceGuy

hey guys whats up?

(just felt like saying hi)


ok i'm on a mission, if you want u can join me, spread the word:




(notice the lowercase e)





"Don't think, just do."



Never under estimate the power of the Force.






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Guest Imladil

Ummm...I'm in. As long as I can choose the element, that is!


I'm partial to earth, myself... wink.gif



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Usual


"Which crossed the road first--the chicken or the egg?"


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Lt Cracken

explain what we are supposed to do again?



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z



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Guest flamin_tie

Uh, sir? Can we stop with this "ElEmEnt" thing? My brain is full...can I go to the bathroom...I think its gonna burst soon. Sir? Please? uh....uh.....YRGHK!

(a loud pop fills the room as his head explodes, spraying gray matter)

Sir? I think I had an accident.


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Guest Imladil

Maybe he means "elephant," only his top lip is stapled to his tongue.


Um...sorry, dude. I'm not really into elephants--or ostritches, wildebeest or any other sort of kinky oddness that might go on around here. I, sir, will leave with my dignity intact. wink.gif


"Return to base, Commander Skywalker! We'll discuss your...tactics in private!"


"But I saw one of those balloons flip me off!"



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Cursory


"I want the first thing that goes through my enemy's mind to be bullets."


--Little Jimmy




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Guest Imladil

Hmmm. Methinks Force Guy is trying his hand at some voodoo, eh? By spreading this particular concept throughout the superconscious without attatched context, he is opening a measure of possibility in his own, secret direction. Like a hidden file that contains a computer virus, we unwittingly pass on his evil agendas to the subconscious minds of all involved. Danged tricky, this Jedi. wink.gif


Ahem. I will not be involved in your evil plans for world domination. Thanks for playing.


This is what happens when we let Pokemon trading cards through customs... wink.gif



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Magician


"Is it possible to alter time without altering space?"


--Little Jimmy



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Guest R.A.V.E.N.

So Elephant doesent count? I'm happy to say elephant as many times as you want. Or are you saying you just like african animals in general?


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Guest Imladil

Elephants most definitely do NOT count! I went to the Zoo one time, just to see if one could. I held up two peanuts and asked him how many there were...all he did was trumpet hungrily and demand the peanuts. Not only can't elephants count, but they can be plain rude at times. That's why I'm into collecting ivory.


Just kidding. <font color=red>(KNOCK! KNOCK! Crash!)</font> Feds! No, I was just kidding--! Danged Microsoft back doors...



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Magician


"Is it possible to alter time without altering space?"


--Little Jimmy



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It's elementary ....


Ha ha ha ! Ha .. !


Erg .... Ahem ... (cough cough)



Moff Kint



I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.



[This message has been edited by Kint (edited December 13, 1999).]

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Guest TheForceGuy

OMG, i try to expand element one little bit and you guys at Rogue Squadron shoot it down (excuse the pun). The closest person here is KINT. Keep it up...










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Guest Imladil

Hmmm. I'll try anything once, as long as it isn't obviously dangerous! What the hell?



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Thrashmonkey


"When it comes to geology, I'm out of my element."


--Little Jimmy



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Guest R.A.V.E.N.

<font size=-20>(*Grumble*)</font> Oh all right. Element! Ya happy?


[This message has been edited by R.A.V.E.N. (edited December 14, 1999).]

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Guest Imladil

E: expanding

L: limitless

E: energy

M: makes

E: entire

N: nations

T: tremble


I'm not sure what this means, but it sure sounds scary. wink.gif



"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Thrashmonkey


"When it comes to geology, I'm out of my element."


--Little Jimmy



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Guest Sa Memax

School techer:Mr Memax please define element.

Sa Memax:Just let me check my dictionary.

ELEMENT:weather conditions,natural environment,consistuant part,substance not seperable by ordinary chemical means.


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Guest Imladil

*Squeak!* BAW-HAW-HAW-HAW--! biggrin.gif


Oh, nevermind. Howzabout:


E: Emergent

L: Lifeforms

E: Educate

M: Migratory

E: Entwife

N: Nuances

T: Tonight


..............* biggrin.gif*




"The entire universe is simply the fractal chaos boundary between intersecting domains of high and low energy."


--Imladil the Thrashmonkey


"When it comes to geology, I'm out of my element."


--Little Jimmy



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